Help Desk Software for Small Businesses

Suptask revolutionizes IT support solutions for small businesses, integrating seamlessly with Slack. Our small business help desk ticketing system is quick, reliable, and cost-effective for IT solutions. Suptask harnesses the power of Slack to deliver a comprehensive and easy to use system.

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Stories from our users


"Our fast-growing startup ne­eded strong IT support. Suptask has bee­n just that. Using Slack, our team can fix issues directly, and the­ ticket forms have simplified our IT ne­eds. Teamwork is bette­r, and we fix things faster."

IT Manager

"Finding the ideal small busine­ss IT support can be tough, but Suptask has surely delivered. We use Slack daily, so it was easy for us to adapt. We­ can handle sensitive info se­curely, updates and team fe­atures help us fix issues quickly. I wouldn't go back."

Dire­ctor of Operations

"Suptask changed our IT strategy. We­ are a small business, so we ne­eded to save mone­y. This small business help desk has helped us manage­ IT concerns, saving us time, and the dashboard analytics give us important information, making our de­cisions easier.

Small Business IT Support through Ticketing

Leverage the immediacy of Slack for prompt IT support, reducing downtime and ensuring business continuity.

  • Create and manage tickets directly within Slack channels or DMs.
  • Real-time updates and collaboration on ticket resolution.
  • Quick turnaround with in-app ticket handling.

Customized to Small Business Needs

Suptask understands the varied needs of small businesses, offering customizable ticket forms and specialized fields.

  • Customizable ticket forms for specific business requirements.
  • Receive and prioritize tickets from anywhere in Slack.
  • Overview tickets in Slack with custom and favorite web views.
Get Started with Suptask
No credit card required

Cost-Effective and Comprehensive IT Solution

With Suptask, small businesses can enjoy a cost-effective, comprehensive IT support system that grows with their needs.

  • Scalable solution across the organization.
  • Integrates with existing tools like Gitlab, Github, JIRA, and Zendesk.
  • Provides dashboard analytics and email reports for cost and performance monitoring.
IT Help desk analytics and dashboard

Secure, Proactive, and Clear IT Support for Small Businesses

Suptask focuses on proactive IT support with robust security and clear communication within Slack.

  • Private tickets for sensitive information.
  • Proactive ticket management with intelligent, interactive SLAs.
  • Clear, user-friendly communication and support within Slack.

Ideal IT Features for Your Small Business

Centralized Small Business Ticketing System

Manage all tickets in one place, ensuring no case is overlooked.

Collaborative Resolution

Enable agents to work together within Slack to resolve tickets efficiently.

Data Management and Backups

Keep track of performance and monitor metrics for insights into IT support efficiency.

Flexible and Scalable Support

Adapts to your growing business needs with multiple inboxes and forms for data ingestion.

Security and Privacy Focused

Private tickets ensure confidentiality, which is crucial for sensitive business information.

Training and Employee Support

Empower employees with easy access to IT support and training, right where they work.

Frequently Asked Questions

What steps do I ne­ed to start a small tech support software business?
Is full service and IT support necessary for my busine­ss?
What are the benefits of a helpdesk ticketing system for a small business?
Get Started with Suptask
No credit card required