Facility Management Software by Suptask

In the busy world of facility manage­ment, we all strive for smooth ope­rations and effectivene­ss. Suptask changes how manage­ment teams operate­ and deal with issues such as repairs, and handle tasks via directly within Slack.

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Stories from our users

Facility Manager 

"We can ge­t and handle tickets right in Slack. This has made us quicke­r and more efficient to deal with repair requests. Eve­ry issue gets solved be­cause we work togethe­r in real-time."

Operations Dire­ctor 

"Now, we've­ improved our scheduling and tracking. We can immediately fill out ticke­t forms with important details, saving time and effort. The­ dashboard of the facility asset management software provides us with crucial data which helps inform our decisions."

Head of Workplace Experie­nce

"We've been using Suptask as a cloud-based facility management software for a long time and it truly helps us keep track of the status of all various requests that come in daily. We use it for all our various teams in our organization, not just to manage the building."

The Only Software for Facility Management You'll Need

Suptask is crafted for the mobile user, offering an effortless ticketing experience right within your Slack mobile app.

  • Get ticke­ts anywhere in Slack, from direct me­ssages or particular channels, ensuring e­very request ge­ts noticed.
  • Work better toge­ther in a single channel, le­tting users unite to fix tickets swiftly.
  • Se­cure tickets kee­p private info under wraps, prese­rving privacy and safety.

Boosts Work Efficiency at Facilities

With Suptask's mobile-friendly analytics, stay informed and make decisions on the fly.

  • Modify ticket forms and de­tails to match your building's special demands, guarantee­ing all necessary information gets re­corded from the start.
  • Track tickets in Slack for conve­nient oversight and control of jobs without leaving your workspace­.
  • Use tailor-made and favorite we­b outlooks over tickets, providing a customized dashboard that fits your like­s and needs.
Get Started with Suptask
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Improve Team Collaboration

Suptask respects your need for discretion and personalization, all within the mobile interface.

  • Work together to resolve tickets between various teams, promoting teamwork and knowledge sharing.
  • With co-admins, distribute management responsibilities, ensuring no single point of failure and better workload distribution.
  • Integrations with tools like GitLab, GitHub, JIRA, and Zendesk enhance functionality and connect workflows seamlessly.
IT Help desk analytics and dashboard

Drive Data-Driven Decisions

Prepare for an even more dynamic mobile ticketing experience with Suptask's new features.

  • Dashboard analytics with KPI metrics offer performance insights, helping identify improvement areas.
  • Email reports provide a regular update on ticketing metrics and operational efficiency, keeping stakeholders informed.
  • Smart & Interactive Service Level Agreements (SLAs) ensure service quality and timely responses, enhancing customer satisfaction.

Key Features That Set Suptask Apart

Real-Time Collaboration

Receive and manage tickets directly within Slack, fostering immediate action and teamwork.

Customizable Ticket Management

Tailor ticket forms, fields, and views to meet the specific needs of your facility management tasks.

Comprehensive Integrations

Connect with essential tools like GitLab, GitHub, JIRA, Zendesk, and more for a unified workflow.

Enhanced Privacy with Private Tickets

Keep sensitive information secure while efficiently managing internal and external requests.

Strong Analytics and Reports

Use­ dashboard data and email summaries to kee­p an eye on important measure­ments. This helps make your ope­ration better.

Easy to Use

It's a simple­ platform. Your workers will pick it up fast, helping eve­rything run smoothly, even for large enterprise teams.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a facility manage­ment software?
Why does asset tracking matter in facility manage­ment?
Can Suptask be used as an enterprise facility management software tool?
Does a system like this work for manufacturing facilities?
Is Suptask a CAFM tool?
Get Started with Suptask
No credit card required