GitLab Slack Integration

Suptask's GitLab integration is your solution to optimize your software development workflow directly within Slack through ticketing. Seamlessly connect Suptask with GitLab to enhance efficiency, triage requests, and simplify issue management.

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Stories from our PMs and Engineers

Engineering Manager

"Suptask's GitLab Slack integration has changed how we­ work. Handling tasks straight from Slack saves us tons of time. It's smooth, quick, and super e­asy to use. Our group has never be­en better aligne­d!"

Product Owner

"Integrating Suptask with our Slack channe­ls was a radical shift. We can triage requests in Slack before we send them got GitLab. This certainly incre­ased our efficiency and simplifie­d teamwork immensely!"

Software Engineering Lead

"We've­ combined Suptask and Slack for our triage process. This has been highly e­ffective. We work together with our Business and Customer Support teams in a dedicated Slack channel which improves our collaboration."

Do you want to learn how it works?

Unified Issue Management

The GitLab Slack Integration move your issue tracking system close to your conversations on Slack with Suptask. Allowing you to easily escalate tickets to GitLab issues including custom descriptions and metadata details.

  • Gain a unified view of all GitLab issues within Slack.
  • Collaborate with multiple teams in real-time to triage and resolve issues efficiently between Slack and GitLab.
  • Facilitate seamless communication and feedback with enhanced collaboration.
Slack ticketing dashboard

Efficient GitLab Issue Handling

Suptask's integration with GitLab streamlines issue handling for all of your teams ranging from Customer Support, Business Units and Engineering.

  • Organize, triage, and prioritize any reported requests before they are sent to GitLab .
  • Collaborate on reported cases in a shared Slack channel.
  • Overview all incoming cases directly in Slack with personalized views.
Get Started with Suptask GitLab Integration
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Real-Time Oversight & Management

Suptask ensures real-time tracking and management of your  issues, allowing you to select what you send to GitLab directly from Slack.

  • Accelerate feedback cycles for faster issue resolution.
  • Efficiently manage high volumes of issue reports.
  • Collaborate with your development team to collectively address issues.

Performance Insights and Metrics

Suptask is natively available inside of your Slack workspace, making it easy accessible by all users and teams to submit their requests.

  • Monitor and evaluate your software development processes with interactive dashboards.
  • Review key metrics to optimize response times for issue resolution.
  • Efficiently manage issue requests from multiple teams.
  • Streamline issue management and workflow automation.

Key Features of our Slack GitLab Integration

Collaborate on Slack

Deal with GitLab issues within Suptask to keep all teams in the loop of the development process.

Streamline the process

Create GitLab issues directly from Slack, streamlining the process.

Customize issues

Customize GitLab issue metadata, including labels and descriptions through our GitLab Slack integration.

All information in one place

Include relevant information and references to the GitLab issue using markdown templates.

Manage multiple projects

Integrate with multiple GitLab projects to support various teams and products.

Notifications direcly in Slack

Get notified automatically, directly within Slack whenever someone creates a ticket for you.

Integrating GitLab Ticketing to Slack:

Necessary Steps from GitLab:

1. GitLab Account Information

2. Access Token

Configuring the GitLab Slack Integration in Suptask

1. Navigate to Integrations

2. Add New Integration

3. Create Credentials

4. Specify GitLab Account and Repository:

5. Assign Default GitLab labels (Optional)

6. Complete the Integration

Using the GitLab Slack Integration

1. Access the Agent Responder Channel:

2. Trigger Integration:

3. Edit Ticket Details:

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get started with the Gitlab integration?
How do I send GitLab artifacts to Slack?
Does GitLab integrate with Slack?
Why is a GitLab integration with Slack useful?
Get Started with Suptask
Explore the Suptask GitLab integration and start exploring all the benefits.